Mindful Mondays: We


Yes, I mean you too


Don’t hide

behind unworthiness or pride

You are not invisible, not above We

My eyes may have never met yours nor yours mine, but

I see you


I breathe you.

You breathe me.



a series of collective breaths

an intimate exchange

with a lover and a passerby

just the same




the same



And this virus

prancing about in the air and preying on life

with a sinister laugh at the face of individualism

knowing full well that my one breath of  “freedom” could be your last


All of the elements have been conquered of sorts

but air is unruly, unboundaried and free

unclaimed by capital and human ownership

the last frontier, the ultimate share


it’s the air that teaches us we are community


And when we get to the other side of this

when the air is clear and all is said

may we take off our masks and

remember our interconnectedness

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